Because of the basis "company method" regulation, company when amalgamative, schism, ought to inform beforehand lawfully and announcement creditor, creditor has authority to ask pay off debt perhaps is offerred assure. 因为根据《公司法》规定,公司合并、分立时,应当依法事先通知和公告债权人,债权人有权要求清偿债务或者提供担保。
The band has no right or authority to pay out a customer's money on a cheque on which its customer's signature has been forged. 银行没有任何权利或权力根据伪造客户签字的支票支付客户的存款。
Via nuclear check, belong to main body tractor dry mass truly unqualified, vendee has authority to return a house; cause losing to vendee, estate develops an enterprise to ought to assume liability to pay compensation lawfully. 经核验,确属主体结构质量不合格的,买受人有权退房;给买受人造成损失的,房地产开发企业应当依法承担赔偿责任。
China securities market to introduce authority card products, is a successful financial tool innovation, it is very good solve equity to pay the price in the reform of the problem. 我国证券市场重新引进权证产品,是一项成功的金融工具创新,它很好的解决了股权分置改革中的支付对价问题。
The judicial authorities shall also have the authority to order the applicant to pay the defendant expenses, which may include appropriate attorney's fees. 司法机关还有权责令该申请当事方支付辩方费用,其中可包括适当的律师费。
The Financial Services Authority ( FSA) is to publish a code later setting out how banks will have to change their policies on pay and bonuses. 财政管理局将要发布一项关于银行薪资和红利改变的政策。
It gained the authority to force employers to provide back pay if employees were unjustly discharged because of union activities. 如果雇员因参加工会活动而被无理解雇时,委员会有权迫使雇主支付拖欠的工资。
The cost of the authority and a proposed systemic risk regulator could be borne by both large banks and small, according to people involved, despite entreaties from the hundreds of small US institutions that they should not pay a levy. 据知情人士透露,决议机构和拟议中的系统性风险监管机构的成本,可能会由大银行和小银行一起承担,尽管数百家小型银行请求称,它们不应该埋单。
Generally speaking, the management authority to reduce the positive effect of pay disparity on company performance, from regional differences, the incentives of the eastern part of the pay disparity is stronger than the central and western regions. 从总体上来说,管理层权力降低了薪酬差距对公司业绩正向作用,从地区差异上来看,东部地区薪酬差距的激励作用强于中西部地区。
The current way to pay taxes is: taxpayers go to tax authority to have the declaration first, then to banks to pay taxes. Duty receipts are kept in national treasury. 目前的纳税方式是纳税人先到税务部门进行申报,然后到银行交纳税款。
Financial treasury centralized payment has two ways, that are direct payments and financial authority to pay in two ways. 国库集中支付分为财政直接支付和财政授权支付两种方式。